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How to read xml files in vb6 stack overflow?

Asked by Malani Howard on Dec 14, 2021 XML

You can use IXMLDOMElement.getAttributeNode to read attributes. For example this code below reads the sample books.xml file from MSDN and accesses an attribute. You need a reference to a version of Microsoft XML. Thank you, this questions answers helped me a lot.
I know it is easier to read xml files in but since our appl is still on vb6, i need a work around. but somehow, i am stuck. also i do not have control over the xml file as it is being genera... Stack Overflow About Products For Teams
Similarly, XML is a self describing language and it gives the data as well as the rules to extract what the data it contains. Reading an XML file means that we are reading the information embedded in XML tags in an XML file. VB.Net XML Parser.
In fact,
On the Project menu, select Add New Item. Select XML File, name the file authors.xml, and then select Add. The XML file loads into the designer and is ready for edit. Paste the following XML data into the editor below the XML declaration: On the File menu, select Save authors.xml.
The Visual Studio edition that you have and the settings that you use determine these elements. For more information, see Personalizing the IDE. To populate an XML literal such as an XElement or XDocument object from a file, use the Load method. This method can take a file path, text stream, or XML stream as input.