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Do you need a spring boot validator for spring boot?

Asked by Ethan Frederick on Dec 12, 2021 Spring

Hibernate validators in Spring Boot. Hibernate validators offer a few annotations that can be used to a bean property for validation purposes. Spring boot by default add hibernate validator’s dependency and configure it on the classpath. Therefore, we don’t have to write any code to add hibernate validator into our project.
One may also ask,
To customize the validation, we will use Hibernate Validator, which is one of the implementations of the bean validation api. We get Hibernate Validator for free when we use Spring Boot Starter Web. So, we can get started with implementing the validations. Before we add validations, we need to add a dependency.
Moreover, Spring REST Validation Example 1 Controller. ... 2 Bean Validation (Hibernate Validator) 2.1 The bean validation will be enabled automatically if any JSR-303 implementation (like Hibernate Validator) is available on the classpath. 3 Path Variables Validation. ... 4 Custom Validator. ... 5 Spring Integration Test. ...
If the validation fails, it will trigger a MethodArgumentNotValidException. By default, Spring will translate this exception to a HTTP status 400 (Bad Request). You can find more details about testing Spring MVC controllers in my article about the @WebMvcTest annotation.
With Spring framework, we don’t have to write any single line of code to validate form fields from scratch, e.g. checking if a text field is empty or not. Instead, we will use some built-in constraints from Bean Validation API of Java EE and form validation API provided by Spring MVC.