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WeChat small program cloud development SDK documents WeChat payment unified order

May 20, 2021 WeChat Mini Program Development Document

Table of contents


Support: Cloud function 2.0.2

Unified order


Merchants first call this interface in the small program to generate prepaid transaction orders in the background of WeChat payment services, return the correct prepaid transactions and then transfer payments.

Description of key parameters

Key parameters related to cloud development Description: Callback function settings: envId and functionName are used to set the cloud function that receives asynchronous notification callbacks after payment Return field payment: the object is the information required to call wx.requestPayment on the small terminal

The callback cloud function returns the protocol

The cloud function that pays the result callback must return the following object, otherwise the callback is considered unsuccessful and the cloud function receives a duplicate payment callback:

The field name The name of the variable Required Type Describe
Error code errcode Is Number 0
The error message errmsg Is String

Description of the parameters

The field name The name of the variable Required Type The sample value Describe
Results notify the callback cloud function name functionName Is String paycallback The name of the cloud function that receives WeChat payment asynchronous notification callbacks
The result informs the callback cloud function environment envId Is String test-123 The environment ID where the cloud function that receives WeChat payment asynchronous notification callbacks is located
Sub-merchant number subMchId Is String(32) 1900000109 WeChat pays for the assigned sub-merchant number
The device number deviceInfo Whether String(32) 013467007045764 Terminal device number (store number or cash register device ID), note: PC web page or public number payment please pass "WEB"
Random string nonceStr Yes String(32) 5K8264ILTKCH16CQ2502SI8ZNMTM67VS Random strings, not less than 32 bits.Recommended random number generation algorithm
product description body Yes String(128) Tencent Recharge Center-QQ member recharge The product is simple to describe that this field must be transferred in strict accordance with the specification, and the specific parameters are required.
product details detail no String(6000) Product detailed description, for merchants using single item, this field must be uploaded according to the specification, see "Single Products Discount Parameter Description"
Additional data attach no String(127) illustrate Additional data, returning in the query API and payment notification, which is mainly used for custom data for merchants carrying orders.
Merchant order number outTradeNo Is String(32) 1217752501201407033233368018 Merchant system internal order number, required within 32 characters, can only be numbers, case letters -
The currency type feeType Whether String(16) CNY A three-letter code that complies with ISO 4217, default RMB: CNY, and a list of other values can be found in the currency type
The total amount totalFee Is Int 888 The total amount of the order can only be an integer, as detailed in the amount paid
Terminal IP spbillCreateIp Is String(64) Ip addresses in both IPV4 and IPV6 formats are supported. Call WeChat to pay for the API's machine IP
The start time of the transaction timeStart Whether String(14) 20091225091010 Order generation time, format yyyy MMdhmmss, e.g. 9:10:10:10 on December 25, 2009 expressed as 20091225091010. See also time rules for details
The close time of the transaction timeExpire Whether String(14) 20091227091010 The order expiration time, in the format yyyyYMdHHmmss, is expressed as 20091227091010 at 9:10:10 on December 27, 2009. T he order expiration time is for the order number, and since there is a mandatory pass parameter prepay_id only two hours valid at the time of the request for payment, the order interface needs to be re-requested to get a new prepay_id when the re-entry time is more than 2 hours. See also time rules for details.
Recommendation: The minimum failure interval is greater than 1 minute
Order offer tags goodsTag Whether String(32) WXG The parameters of the order coupon mark, voucher or discount function can be found in the voucher or discount
The type of transaction tradeType Is String(16) JSAPI The small program value is as follows: JSAPI, detailed description of the parameters
Specify the payment method limitPay Whether String(32) no_credit no_credit - specify that you cannot pay with a credit card
The user ID Openid Whether String(128) oUpF8uMuAJO_M2pxb1Q9zNjWeS6o trade_type is the JSAPI, this parameter must be passed, the user's unique identity under the merchant appid. How to get openid, you can refer to "Get openid".
The user sub-identity subOpenid Whether String(128) oUpF8uMuAJO_M2pxb1Q9zNjWeS6o trade_type is the JSAPI, this parameter must be passed, the user's unique identity under the sub-merchant appid. O penid and sub_openid can choose one of them, and if you choose to sub_openid, you must sub_appid. Before you can order, you need to call the Web page authorization to get user information interface to get the user's Openid.
The electronic invoice entry open logo receipt Whether String(8) Y Y, when Y is passed in, the payment success message and payment details page will appear at the insinsignation entry. Electronic invoice function needs to be opened on WeChat payment merchant platform or WeChat public platform before this field can take effect
Scene information sceneInfo Whether String(256) Y This field is often used for offline activities when the scene information reporting, support the reporting of actual store information, merchants can also report the relevant information according to the needs of their own. The field is JSON object data in the format of "store_info": "id": "store ID", "name": "name", "area_code": "coded", "address": "address"

SceneInfo.storeInfo Object Description

The field name The name of the variable Required Type The sample value Describe
Store id Id Whether String(32) SZTX001 Store number, customized by the merchant
The name of the store name Whether String(64) Tencent Building Teng Da Restaurant Store name, customized by the merchant
Store administrative code area_code Whether String(6) 440305 Store location administrative division code, see the "latest county and above administrative division code"
Store details address Whether String(128) Tencent Building all the way through the Science and Technology Park Store details, customized by the merchant

Returns a description of the value

The field name The name of the variable Required Type The sample value Describe
Return the status code returnCode Is String(16) SUCCESS SUCCESS/FAIL This field is a communication identification, a non-transaction identification, and the success of a transaction needs to be result_code the transaction
Return information returnMsg Whether String(128) The signature failed The information returned, if not empty, is the cause of the error. Such as a failed signature, parameter format check error

The following fields are returned when the returnCode is SUCCESS

The field name The name of the variable Required Type The sample value Describe
The information required to initiate payments in a small program payment Is Object The information required for the small terminal to call wx.requestPayment
The service provider's APPID appid Is String(32) wxd678efh567hg6787 The APPID of the service merchant
Merchant number mch_id Is String(32) 1900000109 Call the merchant number submitted by the interface
APPID for small programs sub_appid Is String(32) wx8888888888888888 WeChat assigned small program ID
Sub-merchant number sub_mch_id Is String(32) 1900000109 WeChat pays for the assigned sub-merchant number
The device number device_info Whether String(32) 013467007045764 Call the terminal device number submitted by the interface,
Random string nonce_str Is String(32) 5K8264ILTKCH16CQ2502SI8ZNMTM67VS WeChat returns a random string
Signature sign Is String(64) C380BEC2BFD727A4B6845133519F3AD6 WeChat returned the signature, see the signature algorithm
Business results result_code Is String(16) SUCCESS SUCCESS/FAIL
The error code err_code Whether String(32) SYSTEMERROR See the list of errors in Section 6 for details
The error code description err_code_des Whether String(128) System error Description of the information returned by the error

The following fields are returned when both result_code and the following fields are SUCCESS

The field name The name of the variable Required Type The sample value Describe
The type of transaction trade_type Is String(16) JSAPI Call the type of transaction submitted by the interface, the value is as follows: JSAPI, detailed description of the parameters
Prepaid transaction session identification prepay_id Is String(64) wx201410272009395522657a690389285100 WeChat generates a prepaid callback ID for use in subsequent interface calls, which are valid for 2 hours
QR code link code_url Whether String(64) weixin://wxpay/bizpayurl/up?pr=NwY5Mz9&groupid=00 trade_type returned when the user is available, this url is used to generate a payment QR code and then provide it to the user for scanning code payment. Note: code_url values of the code are not fixed and can be converted to QR codes in URL format when used

Error code

Name Describe Reason Solution
INVALID_REQUEST The argument is wrong The parameters are in the wrong format or are not uploaded as required When the order is re-entered, the parameter value is required to match the original request, please confirm the parameter problem
NOAUTH Merchants do not have this interface permission The merchant does not have this interface permission on Ask the merchant to go and request permission for this interface
NOTENOUGH The balance is insufficient The user account balance is insufficient If the user account balance is insufficient, ask the user to top up or replace the payment card before paying
ORDERPAID Merchant orders have been paid Merchant orders have been paid without duplication Merchant orders have been paid and no further action is required
ORDERCLOSED The order has been closed The current order is closed and cannot be paid The current order has been closed, please place the order again
SYSTEMERROR System error The system timed out System exception, please call again with the same parameters
APPID_NOT_EXIST The APPID does not exist The APPID is missing from the parameter Please check that the APPID is correct
MCHID_NOT_EXIST MCHID does not exist MCHID is missing from the parameter Please check that the MCHID is correct
APPID_MCHID_NOT_MATCH The appid and mch_id do not match The appid and mch_id do not match Make sure that the appid mch_id match
LACK_PARAMS The argument is missing The necessary request parameters are missing Please check that the parameters are complete
OUT_TRADE_NO_USED The merchant order number repeats The same transaction cannot be submitted more than once Please verify that the merchant order number is submitted repeatedly
SIGNERROR The signature is wrong The parameter signature result is incorrect Check that both the signature parameters and methods meet the requirements of the signature algorithm
XML_FORMAT_ERROR The XML is in the wrong format The XML is in the wrong format Check that the XML parameters are in the correct format
REQUIRE_POST_METHOD Please use the post method The post pass parameter is not used Please check that the request parameters are submitted via the post method
POST_DATA_EMPTY The post data is empty Post data cannot be empty Please check that the post data is empty
NOT_UTF8 The encoding format is incorrect The specified encoding format is not used Please use the UTC-8 encoding format

The sample code

// 云函数代码
const cloud = require('wx-server-sdk')

exports.main = async (event, context) => {
  const res = await cloud.cloudPay.unifiedOrder({
    "body" : "小秋TIT店-超市",
    "outTradeNo" : "1217752501201407033233368018",
    "spbillCreateIp" : "",
    "subMchId" : "1900009231",
    "totalFee" : 1,
    "envId": "test-f0b102",
    "functionName": "pay_cb"
  return res

// 小程序代码{
  name: '函数名',
  data: {
    // ...
  success: res => {
    const payment = res.result.payment
      success (res) {
        console.log('pay success', res)
      fail (res) {
        console.error('pay fail', err)
  fail: console.error,