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Use javascript to assign an example of a johnson array depth

May 08, 2021 JSON

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Use javascript to assign depth to a johnson array

The code looks like this:

var arr={ 
function show(obj){ 
var tmp={}; 
for(var i in obj){ 
<span style="color:#ff0000;">tmp[i]=show(obj[i]);</span> 
<span style="color:#ff0000;">tmp[i]=obj[i]</span> 
return tmp; 

var result=show(arr); 

How to assign a jSON object to a jSON array

Let's say that the jSON object is var kpis, s."A": s.1,2,3,4,5,""b":"2,3,4,5,6', jSON array is var series.

The first method:

[javascript] view plain copy
var index=0;  
for( var tests in kpis){   

Comment: The first method is not applicable in cases where there are more than two name/value pairs, and you can only manually increase the length of the jSON array, which is cumbersome. Guided by boss, there is a second approach.

The second method:

[html] view plain copy
for(var tests in kpis){  
     var json = {name:tests, data:kpis[tests]};  

Comment: The second method, when traversing the kpis this jSON object, generates a new format of the jSON object, constantly pushing into the array, so that the purpose is achieved, and even with a name/value pair is not afraid, the versatility is enhanced.

So the second method is recommended.