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Shell file system operations

May 23, 2021 Shell - An example of programming

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Prepared for a long time, looking for many days of information, do not know how to write: because of fear of not being able to hold, so on the one hand continue to find information, on the other hand, think about how to write. As part of the Shell Programming Paradigm, it is hoped that it will be a good way for Shell programmers to understand how to use shell commands to perform various operations on file systems that are very signed to the Linux system, and that the "chaos" of the file system among Shell programmers will disappear, in the hope that the file system will be presented in a clearer light.

The location of the file system in the Linux operating system

How do I get to know the file system? F rom the shell programmer's point of view, a file system is a way to organize various files. H owever, file systems cannot exist independently of hardware storage devices and operating systems, so it is necessary to understand the links between various concepts such as hardware storage devices, partitions, operating systems, logical volumes, file systems, etc., in order to understand some of the "details" of the normal operation of the file system. This connection may (and may have some problems) be presented in one way or another:

Shell file system operations

From the diagram, we can clearly see the relationship between the various "concepts", they are distributed at different levels, covering hardware devices, system kernel space, system user space. I n the user space, users can operate specific hardware devices regardless of the kernel, using only a variety of interfaces designed by the programmer, and the average programmer only needs to use the various interfaces provided by the kernel (System Call) or some C library to interact with the kernel, without having to care about the specific implementation details. For operating system developers, however, they need to design specific data structures in kernel space to manage and organize the underlying hardware devices.

Here's a bottom-up approach (starting with the underlying hardware) that uses tools to analyze and understand several important concepts in the diagram. (If you are interested, you can first look at the following information)


Hardware management and device drivers

Linux systems manage hardware devices through device drivers. I f you add a new hardware device, you need to write the appropriate hardware driver to manage it. F or some common hardware devices, the system already has its own drivers, and when you compile the kernel, select them, then compile them as part of the kernel or as modules. If compiled as a module, the corresponding module file can be found in the /lib/modules/$(uname -r) directory.

Example: Find the drive files that your device needs

For example, the corresponding scsi driver and usb driver module files can be found in this way:

Update the system Chinese index database (a little slow)

$ updatedb

Find scsi-related drivers

$ locate scsi*.ko

Look for usb-related drivers

$ locate usb*.ko

These drivers are .ko with .ko and are compiled as modules by default when the system is installed. Y ou can actually compile them as part of the kernel, just by selecting it when [*] H owever, in many cases they are compiled as modules, which reduces the size of the kernels and gives you the flexibility to load and unload them as needed. Here's a quick demonstration of how to uninstall the module, load the module, and see the status of the loaded module.

The status of the individual modules loaded modules be checked through the modules file of the /proc file lsmod command.

$ cat /proc/modules


$ lsmod

Example: View the device drivers that have been loaded

View scsi and usb-related drivers, and the results are listed as module names, module sizes, references to other modules (number of references, modules that reference them)

$ lsmod | egrep "scsi|usb"
usbhid                 29536  0
hid                    28928  1 usbhid
usbcore               138632  4 usbhid,ehci_hcd,ohci_hcd
scsi_mod              147084  4 sg,sr_mod,sd_mod,libata

Example: Uninstall the device driver

Let's usbhid module to see (don't uninstall the scsi driver!) Because your system may be running on it, if you really want to play, remember to save the rmmod command and switch to root user first:

$ sudo -s
# rmmod usbhid

Look at the module's information again, you can't see it enough

$ lsmod | grep ^usbhid

Example: Mount device drive

If there is a usb mouse, then move it, do you find that you can't move it? B ecause the equipment drive is gone, the equipment will naturally not be able to use Luo. But don't be nervous, now that you know why, reload the driver and reload usbhid below. insmod

$ sudo -s
# insmod `locate usbhid.ko`

locate usbhid.ko the usbhid.ko if there is no updatedb that it can not be /lib/modules find usbhid.ko file to find.

# insmod $(find /lib/modules -name "*usbhid.ko*" | grep `uname -r`)

Now the mouse can be used again, do not believe to move the mouse again : -)

Here, the relationship between hardware devices and device drivers should be clearer. If not, continue with the following.

Example: View the device file for the device driver

Linux device drivers are associated with the appropriate device files, which correspond to hardware devices one by one. These device files are stored uniformly in the /dev/

For example, the scsi device /dev/sda /dev/sda1 /dev/sda2 ... Check out these device information below.

$ ls -l /dev/sda*
brw-rw---- 1 root disk 8, 0 2007-12-28 22:49 /dev/sda
brw-rw---- 1 root disk 8, 1 2007-12-28 22:50 /dev/sda1
brw-rw---- 1 root disk 8, 3 2007-12-28 22:49 /dev/sda3
brw-rw---- 1 root disk 8, 4 2007-12-28 22:49 /dev/sda4
brw-rw---- 1 root disk 8, 5 2007-12-28 22:50 /dev/sda5
brw-rw---- 1 root disk 8, 6 2007-12-28 22:50 /dev/sda6
brw-rw---- 1 root disk 8, 7 2007-12-28 22:50 /dev/sda7
brw-rw---- 1 root disk 8, 8 2007-12-28 22:50 /dev/sda8

You can see that the first character in the first column b and the fifth column is the number 8. b that the file is a block device file, correspondingly, c a character device (e.g. '/dev/ttyS0), you can see here the difference between the block device and the character device:

  • Character devices: Character devices are devices that can be accessed like byte streams, and character terminals and serials belong to character devices.

  • Block device: A file system can be accommodated on a block device. U nlike character devices, block devices can only transfer one or more complete blocks at a time when reading and writing. I n the Linux operating system, applications can read and write block devices (read or write arbitrary bytes of data at once) just like accessing character devices. Therefore, the difference between block devices and character devices is simply the difference in the management of data in the kernel.

The number 8 is the device number corresponding to the hardware device in the kernel, and the device number assignment can be found in the Documentation/devices.txt /proc/devices of the kernel. B ut why does the same device correspond to different device files (why are there different numbers after /dev/sda and column 6 in ls result corresponds to them). T his is actually to distinguish between different parts of different devices. F or hard drives, this can handle different partitions inside the hard drive. I n the case of the kernel, it only needs to be able to find the corresponding hardware device through the device number in column 5, but for the driver module it also needs to know how to handle different partitions, so there is an additional auxiliary device number, which is the corresponding content in column 6. Such a device has a master device number (column 5) and an auxiliary device number (column 6), making it easy to manage a variety of hardware devices.

Because the device files and hardware correspond, the hard drive information can be read directly from /dev/sda (in the case IDE hard drive, the corresponding device is the /dev/hda device, for example:

Example: Access device files

Copy the first 512 bytes of the hard disk with the dd command to root the user

$ sudo dd if=/dev/sda of=mbr.bin bs=512 count=1

Use file command to view the appropriate information

$ file mbr.bin
mbr.bin: x86 boot sector, LInux i386 boot LOader; partition 3: ID=0x82, starthead 254, startsector 19535040, 1959930 sectors; partition 4: ID=0x5, starthead 254, startsector 21494970, 56661255 sectors, code offset 0x48

You can also read and analyze in a 16-step form with the od command

$ od -x mbr.bin

bs the size of the block (in bytes and count number of blocks

Because this information is not intuitive (and further in-depth analysis is provided below), a look at another device file will provide a very intuitive demonstration of the relationship between the device file and the hardware. Or take the mouse as an example, the following to read the mouse corresponding to the device file information.

$ sudo -s
# cat /dev/input/mouse1 | od -x

Your mouse driver may not be the same, so the device files may be other, but they'll /dev/input

Move the mouse to see if you find different information outputs. Based on this principle, we often check that the serial line is corrupted by reading the contents of the device file /dev/ttyS0 at one end and writing to the device file /dev/ttyS0 at the other end.

Here, you should be more impressed by the correlation between device drivers, device files, and hardware devices. If you want to learn more about how device-driven works and how device-driven writing works, take a look at the information listed below to begin the process of device-driven writing.


Understand and view disk partitions

Memory, usb sticks, and so on can actually be used as "storage" devices at the bottom of the file system, but only hard drives are used as instances to describe the relationship between disks and partitions.

Currently, Linux's partitioning still uses the partitioning principle used by the first PC hard drive, which is analyzed and demonstrated step by step below.

The basic principles of disk partitioning

Let's take a look at a few concepts:

  • Device management and partitioning

Under Linux, each storage device corresponds to a system's device file, and IDE and SCSI the corresponding device files containing the character hd and sd can be hd /dev directory. D epending on the board device interface and data cable interface of the sd a to z can be added after the hd or a characters, such as hda hdb hdc and sda sdb sdc a number can be hda1 hda2 hda3 and sda1 sda2 sda3, in order to distinguish between different partitions of sda3 , so in /dev you can see many similar device files.

  • The role of each partition

The problem of primary and logical partitioning is often encountered in partitioning, which is actually to facilitate the extension of partitioning, just as the subsequent introduction of logical volumes is to better manage multiple hard drives, the introduction of primary partitioning and logical partitioning can easily be the management of partitioning.

Each hard disk device in a Linux system consists of up to 4 primary partitions, including extended partitions.

The role of the primary partition is that the computer is used to start the operating system, so the startup program of each operating system, or boot program, should be stored on the main partition. L inux states that the primary partition (or extended partition) occupies the first four partition numbers. So you'll see that the device file for the primary partition /dev/hda1-4 or /dev/sda1-4 not hda5 sda5

Extended partitions are intended to extend more logical partitions, which under Linux consume 12 numbers such sda5-16 hda5-16

  • The type of partition

It specifies the type of file system on this partition. Linux supports many file system types such as msdoc, vfat, ext2, ext3, and more information is covered further in the next section.

Understand the partitioning principle by analyzing the MBR

The partition is analyzed and understood by analyzing the first 512 bytes of the hard disk, or MBR

Let's take a look at this picture:

Shell file system operations

It is used to describe the structure of the MBR MBR includes the boot section, partition table, and end tag'(55AAH), which consumes 446 bytes, 64 bytes, and 2 bytes of 512 bytes, respectively. Focus here only on the partition table portion, the 64-byte in the middle and the left part of the figure.

Since I'm SCSI hard drive, copy the first 512 bytes of the hard drive from my /dev/sda device mbr.bin file.

$ sudo -s
# dd if=/dev/sda of=mbr.bin bs=512 count=1

The MBR data is analyzed with commands such as file od fdisk and compared to the figure above to deepen understanding. MBR

$ file mbr.bin
mbr.bin: x86 boot sector, LInux i386 boot LOader; partition 3: ID=0x82, starthead 254, startsector 19535040, 1959930 sectors; partition 4: ID=0x5, starthead 254, startsector 21494970, 56661255 sectors, code offset 0x48
$ od -x mbr.bin | tail -6   #仅关注中间的64字节,所以截取了结果中后6行
0000660 0000 0000 0000 0000 a666 a666 0000 0180
0000700 0001 fe83 ffff 003f 0000 1481 012a 0000
0000720 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 fe00
0000740 ffff fe82 ffff 14c0 012a e7fa 001d fe00
0000760 ffff fe05 ffff fcba 0147 9507 0360 aa55
$ sudo -s
# fdisk -l | grep ^/  #仅分析MBR相关的部分,不分析逻辑分区部分
/dev/sda1   *           1        1216     9767488+  83  Linux
/dev/sda3            1217        1338      979965   82  Linux swap / Solaris
/dev/sda4            1339        4865    28330627+   5  Extended

file of the file command show that the newly copied 512 bytes are boot sectors, with the parts separated by bootloader partition 3, and partition 4. T he type of partition 3 is 82, swap partition (which can be l l command of the fdisk command), which corresponds to column 5 /dev/sda3 in fdisk result, and the number of sectors in partition 3 is 195993 0, the number of bytes converted to 1959930\*512 (currently, the default sector size of the hard disk is 512 bytes), swap partition is 1024 bytes, so the number of blocks is :

$ echo 1959930*512/1024 | bc

It is exactly the number of blocks corresponding to the fourth column of the row in the fdisk result /dev/sda3 and similarly, partition 4 fdisk results of fdisk and file

Let's take a look at the results of the od command displayed in hete sixteenths, and consider partition 3, and calculate that the result of od partition 3 is:

fe00 ffff fe82 ffff 14c0 012a e7fa 001d

The first is the partition 00H from the figure above, it is not the boot 80H is the boot partition), and the partition type? For 82H which is consistent file display, let's look at the partition size, which is the number of sectors in the file result.

$ echo "ibase=10;obase=16;1959930" | bc

Just corresponds e7fa 001d also considers the results of the boot partition:

0180 0001 fe83 ffff 003f 0000 1481 012a

Partition tag: 80H reflects that the partition is the boot partition, followed by the disk sector in which the boot partition is located, 010100, i.e. 1 side 0 channel 1 sector. Other content can be analyzed against it.

For time, please refer to the information below for more details or check out the relevant manual for the system.

Supplement: When installing a system, you can fdisk such as cfdisk and so on. If you want to start from a partition, you need to mark 80H for example, by setting a partition to bootable cfdisk


The relationship between partitioning and file systems

Before the introduction of logical volumes, partition types and file system types could be treated almost equally, and the process of setting partition types was the process of formatting partitions and establishing the appropriate file system types.

The following mainly describes how to establish a link between partition and file system type, that is, how to format partitioning to the specified file system type.

Common partition types

Let's take a look at the common types of file systems under Linux (if you want to see all the file types supported by Linux, you can view them l command of the fdisk command, or you can view them via man fs or you can view /proc/filesystems

  • ext2 ext3 ext4 These three are the types typically used by Linux root file systems
  • swap This is a file system used to implement Linux virtual memory, which typically requires a dedicated partition to be established and swap file system (if you want to add swap partitions, you can refer to the resources in this section dd mkswap swapon swapoff etc.)
  • proc This is a relatively special file system that exists as an interface between the kernel and the user, built in cat /proc system can be viewed by cat commands, and even /proc/sys the current premise is that the proc file system needs to be mounted on: mount -t proc proc /proc

In addition to the file system types mentioned above, Linux supports a variety of common file system types, including vfat iso xfs nfs and under Linux, you are free to view and operate file systems used by other operating systems such as Windows.

So how do you establish an association between disks and these file system types? Format.

The process of formatting is actually the process of reorthorizing partitions, possible mkfs and, of course, by commands such as fdisk O nly mkfs which can be used to format an existing partition and not to implement partitioning mkfs (if you want to partition and format a disk, fdisk When formatted, the data on the partition is organized by a particular file system type.

Example: Formatting the file system

For example, /dev/sda9 partition as ext3

$ sudo -s
# mkfs -t ext3 /dev/sda9

If you want to list the file system types for each partition, you fdisk -l command.

For more information, please refer to the following information.


Relationships between partitions, logical volumes, and file systems

The last section formatted partitions directly into some file system type, but given the need to extend new storage devices, developers introduced logical volumes between file systems and partitions. For time, it's no longer detailed here, please refer to: Linux Logical Volume Management Details

The visual structure of the file system

The file system ends up with a visual structure that can be presented using commands such as ls, find, tree, etc. It's like an upside-down "tree" that can also be mounted on the nodes of a tree.

Here's a brief introduction to the mounting of the file system.

A file system can mount mount through a device to a directory called a mount point. I nterestingly, under Linux, one directory itself can also be mounted to another directory, and a formatted file can /dev/loop (such iso file). In addition, in the case of file systems, Linux supports not only local file systems, but also remote file systems such nfs

Example: Mounting a file system

Here are a few examples of file system mounts.

  • The mount of the root file system

Mounting requires Root permissions, for example, mounting system /dev/sda1 /mnt

$ sudo -s
# mount -t ext3 /dev/sda1 /mnt/

Looking /dev/sda1 mount, you can see that a device can mount more than once

$ mount | grep sda1
/dev/sda1 on / type ext3 (rw,errors=remount-ro)
/dev/sda1 on /mnt type ext3 (rw)

For a file system that is already mounted, you can re-mount to support different properties

$ mount -n -o remount, rw /
  • Mount a new device

If the kernel already supports the USB connector, when you plug in the usb stick, you can view the corresponding device number with the dmesg command and mount it.

Look at the last few lines in the dmesg results, find information like /dev/sdN and find the device number for the u disk

$ dmesg

Let's assume that the vfat format so that it can also be used on Windows in some print shops

# mount -t vfat /dev/sdN /path/to/mountpoint_directory
  • Mount an iso file or disc

For some iso files or iso-formatted discs, you can also mount them with the mount command.

For iso files:

# mount -t iso9660 /path/to/isofile /path/to/mountpoint_directory

For discs:

# mount -t iso9660 /dev/cdrom /path/to/mountpoint_directory
  • Mount a remote file system
# mount -t nfs remote_ip:/path/to/share_directory /path/to/local_directory
  • Mount a proc file system
# mount -t proc proc /proc

proc file system is organized in memory, but it can be mounted to a directory. I t is usually /proc directory so that some system management and configuration tools can use it. F or top command uses it to analyze memory usage (reads files lsmod such as /proc/meminfo and /proc/modules /proc/stat netstat /proc/net/dev O f course, you can also write tools. I n addition, by /proc/sys be dynamically adjusted, such as writing the number 1 to the /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward file to enable the kernel to support packet forwarding. (For more information, proc man``proc

  • Mount a directory
$ mount --bind /path/to/needtomount_directory /path/to/mountpoint_directory

This is interesting, for example, to mount a directory to the root of the ftp service without having to copy the content to share the resources in the directory.

Example: Uninstall a partition

All of the above only mentions mounting, so how to uninstall it? U se umount command to keep up with the mounted source address or mount point (device, file, remote directory, etc.). For example:

$ umount /path/to/mountpoint_directory


$ umount /path/to/mount_source

If you want to manage a large number of or recurring mount services, then each manual mount is a bad thing. T he mount /etc/fstab can then be used to write the mount corresponding to the mount to the column corresponding to /etc/fstab file for mount -a and unloading umount -a /etc/fstab are file system, mount point, type, and related options. More information can be fstab the help of man fstab


How to make a file system

Linux file system has some of the most basic directories, different directories hold different types of files. T he most basic directories are /etc /lib /dev /bin and so on, which hold system profiles, library files, device files, and executables. T hese directories are generally required to create such a basic file busybox tools such as busybox when doing embedded development. Here is only a very simple file system, and the file system to carry out a variety of routine operations, in order to deepen the understanding of the file system.

Example: Create a fixed-size file with dd

Remember dd command? Use it to produce a fixed-size file, this one for 1M(1024\*1024 bytes)

$ dd if=/dev/zero of=minifs bs=1024 count=1024

Looking at the file minifs is a file full of . \\0 any specific data structure

$ file minifs
minifs: data

Description: /dev/zero a very special device, and if you read it, you can \\0

The file is then formatted as a file system of a specified file type. ( Isn't it amazing that files can also be formatted?) Yes, not only devices can, but files can also be organized in some file system type, but it is important to note that ext3 require a minimum 64M targets.

Example: Format the file with mkfs

$ mkfs.ext2 minifs

Look at the file type at this point, and minifs are organized in the format of the ext2 file system

$ file minifs
minifs: Linux rev 1.0 ext2 filesystem data

Example: Mount the file system you just created

Because the file is organized in the type of file system, mount it with the mount command and use it.

Switch to root hook it up and associate it with a special device /dev/loop -o loop

$ sudo -s
# mount minifs /mnt/ -o loop

Looking at the file system information, you can see only one directory lost+found

$ ls /mnt/

Example: Read, write, delete, etc. on the file system

Under the file system to carry out a variety of general operations, including reading, writing, deletion and so on. (Save a copy of minifs the relevant information can be in-depth analysis of the various operations of the file system changes, so as to gain an in-depth understanding of the file system as a way of organizing data implementation principles, etc.)

$ cp minifs minifs.bak
$ cd /mnt
$ touch hello
$ cd -
$ cp minifs minifs-touch.bak
$ od -x minifs.bak > orig.od
$ od -x minifs-touch.bak > touch.od

After you create a file, compare the similarity and differences between the file system at this time and the previous file system

$ diff orig.od touch.od
diff orig.od touch.od
< 0060020 000c 0202 2e2e 0000 000b 0000 03e8 020a
< 0060040 6f6c 7473 662b 756f 646e 0000 0000 0000
< 0060060 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
> 0060020 000c 0202 2e2e 0000 000b 0000 0014 020a
> 0060040 6f6c 7473 662b 756f 646e 0000 000c 0000
> 0060060 03d4 0105 6568 6c6c 006f 0000 0000 0000
> 0060100 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000

Through comparison, it is found that the corresponding location of the file system has changed significantly by adding files

$ echo "hello, world" > /mnt/hello

Execute sync command to make sure that the data in the cache has been written to disk buffer cache in Figure 1 of this section, where the data in the cache is written to disk)

$ sync
$ cp minifs minifs-echo.bak
$ od -x minifs-echo.bak > echo.od

After the contents of the file are written, compare the file system with the previous similarity

$ diff touch.od echo.od

View strings in the file system

$ strings minifs
hello, world

Delete hello file to see changes to the file system

$ rm /mnt/hello
$ cp minifs minifs-rm.bak
$ od -x minifs-rm.bak > rm.od
$ diff echo.od rm.od

By looking at the strings of the file system, it is found that the contents of the file are not overwritten when they are deleted, so in theory the contents are recoverable at this time

$ strings minifs
hello, world

The above only demonstrates some of the common tools for analyzing file systems, and analyzes a few general operations, if you want to understand the implementation principles of the file system in great depth, please familiarize yourself with the use of the above tools and read the relevant materials.


How to develop your own file system

With fuse it is possible to develop a file system in user space, and if you want to develop your own file system, it is recommended to read: Use fuse to develop your own file system.


  • On December 22, 2007, a lot of information was gathered and the overall framework was written
  • On the afternoon of December 28, 2007, the first draft was completed, and many details were not further analyzed, given the time relationship, and some parts may have problems with understanding, and criticism is welcome
  • On the evening of December 28, 2007, part of the material was modified and the document was officially made public
  • 29, adding a small section of device drivers and hardware devices