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JSP debugging

May 12, 2021 JSP

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JSP debugging

It's always hard to test/debug a JSP or servlet program. JSPs and servlets tend to involve a large number of client/server interactions, which can lead to errors and make it difficult to reproduce the error environment.

Here are some tips and suggestions to help you debug your program.

Using System.out.println()

System.out.println() makes it easy to mark whether a piece of code has been executed. O f course, we can also print out a variety of values. In addition:

  • Since the System object became the Java core object, it can be used anywhere without introducing additional classes. The range of applications includes Servlets, JSP, RMI, EJB's, Beans, Classes, and Stand-alone applications.
  • Compared to stopping running at break points, output with System.out does not have a significant impact on the running process of the application, a feature that is useful in applications where the tyncing mechanism is very important.

Next, the syntax for using System.out.println() is given:

System.out.println("Debugging message");

This is a simple example of using System.out.print():

<%@taglib prefix="c" uri="" %>
<c:forEach var="counter" begin="1" end="10" step="1" >
   <c:out value="${counter-5}"/></br>
   <% System.out.println( "counter= " +                       pageContext.findAttribute("counter") ); %>

Now, if you run the example above, it will produce the following results:


If you're using a Tomcat server, you'll be able to find .log in the stdout file in the logs directory:


This method allows variables and other information to be output into the system log to analyze and identify the underlying causes of the problem.

Use JDB Logger

The J2SE log framework provides logging services for any class running in the JVM. So we can use this framework to record any information.

Let's rewrite the above code, using the logger API in JDK:

<%@taglib prefix="c" uri="" %>
<%@page import="java.util.logging.Logger" %>

<% Logger logger=Logger.getLogger(this.getClass().getName());%>

<c:forEach var="counter" begin="1" end="10" step="1" >
   <c:set var="myCount" value="${counter-5}" />
   <c:out value="${myCount}"/></br>
   <% String message = "counter="                   + pageContext.findAttribute("counter")                   + " myCount="                   + pageContext.findAttribute("myCount");          message );    %>

It runs similar to the previous one, but it can get additional information output to the stdout .log file. H ere we use the info method in loger. Here's a snapshot .log the stdout file:

24-Sep-2013 23:31:31 org.apache.jsp.main_jsp _jspService
INFO: counter=1 myCount=-4
24-Sep-2013 23:31:31 org.apache.jsp.main_jsp _jspService
INFO: counter=2 myCount=-3
24-Sep-2013 23:31:31 org.apache.jsp.main_jsp _jspService
INFO: counter=3 myCount=-2
24-Sep-2013 23:31:31 org.apache.jsp.main_jsp _jspService
INFO: counter=4 myCount=-1
24-Sep-2013 23:31:31 org.apache.jsp.main_jsp _jspService
INFO: counter=5 myCount=0
24-Sep-2013 23:31:31 org.apache.jsp.main_jsp _jspService
INFO: counter=6 myCount=1
24-Sep-2013 23:31:31 org.apache.jsp.main_jsp _jspService
INFO: counter=7 myCount=2
24-Sep-2013 23:31:31 org.apache.jsp.main_jsp _jspService
INFO: counter=8 myCount=3
24-Sep-2013 23:31:31 org.apache.jsp.main_jsp _jspService
INFO: counter=9 myCount=4
24-Sep-2013 23:31:31 org.apache.jsp.main_jsp _jspService
INFO: counter=10 myCount=5

Messages can be sent using a variety of priorities, using the sever(), warning(), info(), config (), fine (), finer (), finest() methods. The finest() method is used to record the best information, while the sever() method is used to record the most serious information.

Use the Log4J framework to record messages in different files, which are classified based on severity and importance.

Debug the tool

NetBeans is a tree structure that is an open source Java integrated development environment that supports the development of stand-alone Java and web applications, as well as JSP debugging.

NetBeans supports several basic debugging functions:

  • Breakpoint
  • Step-by-step tracking
  • Observation point

Detailed information can be viewed in the NetBeans user manual.

Use JDB Debugger

You can use jdb commands for debugging in JSP and servlets, just like you would for a normal application.

Typically, we debug the sun.servlet.httpserver object directly to see how httpServer performs JSP/Servlets in response to HTTP requests. T his is very similar to debugging applets. The difference is that the applets program actually debugs the sun.applet.AppletViewer.

Most debuggers automatically ignore some details when debugging applets because they know how to debug applets. If you want to transfer debug objects to JSP, you need to do two things:

  • Set the classpath of the debugger so that it can find sun.servlet.http.Http-Server and related classes.
  • Set up the classpath of the debugger so that it can find your JSP files and related classes.

Once classpath is set up, start debugging sun.servlet.http://www.http-server. You can set a break point anywhere in the JSP file, as long as you like, and then use your browser to send a request to the server so that you can see that the program is parked at the break point.

Use comments

Comments in the program in many ways to the program debugging play a certain role in helping. Comments can be used in many aspects of the debugger.

JSP uses Java annotations. If a BUG disappears, take a closer look at the code you just commented on and usually find out why.

The header module for the client and server

Sometimes it is useful to view unprocessed HTTP requests and responses when JSP is not running as intended. If you're familiar with the structure of HTTP, you can look directly at request and response and see what's going on with these head modules.

Important debugging techniques

Here are two more tips for debugging JSPs:

  • Use the browser to display the original page content to distinguish whether it is a formatting issue. This option is usually under the View menu.
  • Make sure that the browser does not capture the previous request output when it forces the page to be reloaded. Use Shift-Reload if you're using Netscape Navigator, and Shift-Refresh if you're using Internet Explorer.