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Detailed instances fully parse SQL stored procedures

May 16, 2021 SQL

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Fully parse SQL stored procedures

Stored Procedure, a set of SQL statements that perform specific functions, is similar to a programming language and includes data types, process controls, inputs and outputs, and its own library of functions. A stored procedure can be said to be a set of records, consisting of blocks of code made up of T-SQL statements that implement functions like a method (additions and deletions to a single or multiple table) and then give the block a name and call it when it is used. However, SQL stored procedures are still abstract and difficult for some beginners to understand, so this article will provide a shallow-to-deep analysis of SQL stored procedures to help you learn about them.

The benefits of stored procedures

  1. Stored procedures are compiled only at the time of creation, and do not need to be recompiled every time the stored procedure is executed, where as a general SQL statement compiles every time they are executed, so using stored procedures can improve the speed of database execution and be more efficient than T-SQL statements.
  2. When complex operations on a database are performed, they can be encapsulated in stored procedures and combined with transactions provided by the database.
  3. A stored procedure can replace a large heap of T-SQL statements when a program interacts in a network, so it can also reduce the traffic volume of the network and improve the communication rate.
  4. Stored procedures can be reused, reducing the workload of database developers.
  5. High security allows you to set that only certain users have access to the specified stored procedure

The basic syntax of stored procedures


CREATE PROC [ EDURE ] procedure_name [ ; number ]
    [ { @parameter data_type }
        [ VARYING ] [ = default ] [ OUTPUT ]
    ] [ ,...n ]



AS sql_statement [ ...n ]


EXECUTE Procedure_name '' --存储过程如果有参数,后面加参数格式为:@参数名=value,也可直接为参数值value


drop procedure procedure_name    --在存储过程中能调用另外一个存储过程,而不能删除另外一个存储过程

Create parameters for the stored procedure

  1. procedure_name The name of the stored procedure, Plus the name of the storedure, The local temporary stiled procedure, and the # is a global temporary stored procedure.
  2. number is an optional integer that groups procedures of the same name so that you can remove them with a DROP PROCEDURE statement. F or example, an application named orders uses a procedure that can be named orderproc; 1 、orderproc; 2 and so on. T he DROP PROCEDURE orderproc statement removes the entire group. I f the name contains a bounding identifier, the number should not be included in the identifier, and only the appropriate bounding procedure_name should be used before and after the procedure_name.
  3. @parameter parameters of the stored procedure. Y ou can have one or more. T he user must provide the value of each declared parameter at the time of execution (unless the default value for that parameter is defined). Stored procedures can have up to 2100 parameters.
    Use the symbol to specify the parameter name as the first character. T he argument name must comply with the rules of the identifier. T he parameters of each procedure are used only for the procedure itself; B y default, parameters can only replace constants, not names that replace table names, column names, or other database objects. F or more information, see EXECUTE.
  4. data_type data type of the argument. A ll data types, including text, ntext, and image, can be used as parameters for stored procedures. H owever, cursor data types can only be used for OUTPUT parameters. I f the specified data type is cursor, you must also specify both the VARYING and OUTPUT keywords. For more information about the types of data SQL Server provides and their syntax, see Data Types.
    Explain that there is no maximum number of output parameters that can be cursor data types.
  5. VARYING Specifies the set of results supported as output parameters (dynamically constructed by stored procedures and content can vary). O nly applies to cursor parameters.
  6. default The default value of the argument. I f the default value is defined, you do not have to specify the value of the parameter to execute the procedure. T he default value must be constant or NULL. I f the procedure will use the LIKE keyword for this parameter, the default values can contain wildcards (, and ,
  7. OUTPUT Indicates that the argument is a return parameter. T he value of this option can be returned to EXEC (UTE). U se the OUTPUT parameter to return information to the calling procedure. T ext, ntext, and image parameters can be used as OUTPUT parameters. T he output parameters that use the OUTPUT keyword can be cursor placeholders.
  8. RECOMPILE that SQL Server will not cache the schedule for the procedure, which will be recompiled at runtime. U se the RECOMPILE option when you are using atypical or temporary values and do not want to overwrite execution plans that are cached in memory.
  9. ENCRYPTION An entry that indicates that the SQL Server encrypted syscomments table contains the text of the CREATE PROCEDURE statement. U sing ENCRYPTION prevents procedures from being published as part of SQL Server replication. E xplain that during the upgrade process, SQL Server recreated the encryption process using encrypted comments stored in syscomments.
  10. FOR REPLICATION Specifies that stored procedures created for replication cannot be performed at the Subscriber. S tored procedures created with the FOR REPLICATION option can be used as stored procedure filtering and can only be performed during replication. T his option cannot be used with the WITH RECOMPILE option.
  11. AS: Specify what the procedure will do.
  12. sql_statement Any number and type of Transact-SQL statements to be included in the procedure. B ut there are some limitations.

Instance action learning

Let's take a look at stored procedures in detail through table Student, because the example is simple to understand the simple use of stored procedures.

Detailed instances fully parse SQL stored procedures

No parameter stored procedures

Select all the information in the Sent table

create proc StuProc
as      //此处 as 不可以省略不写
begin   //beginend 是一对,不可以只写其中一个,但可以都不写
select S#,Sname,Sage,Ssex from student

There are parameter stored procedures

Global variable

A global variable, also known as an external variable, is defined outside the function and has a scope that starts at the variable definition and ends at the end of the program file.

Select the student information for the specified name:

create proc StuProc
@sname varchar(100)   
select S#,Sname,Sage,Ssex from student where sname=@sname

exec StuProc '赵雷'   //执行语句

Above, you can assign values to variables externally, or you can set default values for variables directly inside

create proc StuProc
@sname varchar(100)='赵雷'
select S#,Sname,Sage,Ssex from student where sname=@sname

exec StuProc

You can also output the contents of the variable, using output

create proc StuProc
@sname varchar(100),
@IsRight int  output //传出参数
if exists (select S#,Sname,Sage,Ssex from student where sname=@sname)
set @IsRight =1
set @IsRight=0

declare @IsRight int 
exec StuProc '赵雷' , @IsRight output
select @IsRight
These are global variables, and here's how to understand local variables

The local variable

Local variables are also known as internal variables. L ocal variables are defined within a function. Its scope is limited to the inside of the function, and it is illegal to use this variable after leaving the function.

The definition of a local variable

It must be determined with the Declare command before it can be used, declare . . . variable name data type . . .

The assignment method for the local variable

set,"variable name,"expression", or "variable name"-expression....................

The display of local variables

create proc StuProc
declare @sname varchar(100)
set @sname='赵雷'
select S#,Sname,Sage,Ssex from student where sname=@sname

exec StuProc

What if you want to show the data of local variables?

create proc StuProc
declare @sname varchar(100)
set @sname=(select Sname from student where S#=01)
select @sname

exec StuProc

More detailed example action learning

For example, in the SQL Server query editor window, create a stored procedure PROC_InsertEmployee with aCREATE PROCEDURE statement to implement adding information to the employee information table (tb_Employee) while generating automatic numbers. I ts SQL statement is as follows:
   FROM   sysobjects  
   WHERE  name = 'Proc_InsertEmployee'  
   AND          type = 'P') 
DROP PROCEDURE Proc_InsertEmployee 
CREATE PROCEDURE Proc_InsertEmployee 
@PName nvarchar(50), 
@PSex nvarchar(4), 
@PAge int, 
@PWage money 
   declare @PID nvarchar(50) 
   select @PID=Max(员工编号) from tb_Employee 
   if(@PID is null) 
       set @PID='P1001' 
       set @PID='P'+cast(cast(substring(@PID,2,4) as int)+1 as nvarchar(50)) 
       insert into tb_Employee values(@PID,@PName,@PSex,@PAge,@PWage) 

Modifications to the stored procedure

After you have created the stored procedure, if you need to modify the functionality and parameters of the stored procedure, you can modify it in SQL Server 2005 in two ways: one is to modify the stored procedure with Microsoft SQL Server Mangement, and the other is to modify the stored procedure with a T-SQL statement.

To modify the stored procedure with Microsoft SQL Server Mangement, here are the steps:
(1) In Object Explorer at SQL Server Management Studio, select the database where the stored procedure is located (e.g., db_18), and then select Programmability under that database.
(2) Open the Stored Procedures folder, right-click on the stored procedures to be modified (e.g., PROC_SEINFO), select the "Modify" command in the pop-up shortcut menu, and a query editor window will appear. I n this window, the user can edit the T-SQL code, and when the edit is complete, click the Execute (X) button in the toolbar to modify the code. U sers can see the execution results in the Message window below the query editor.

Use Transact-SQL to modify the stored procedure:
Modifying a stored procedure with an ALTER PROCEDURE statement does not affect the permission settings of the stored procedure or change the name of the stored procedure.

ALTER PROC [ EDURE ] procedure_name [ ; number ] 
    [ { @parameter data_type }  
         [ VARYING ] [ = default ] [ OUTPUT ] 
    ] [ ,...n ]  
        | RECOMPILE , ENCRYPTION   }  
    sql_statement [ ...n ]

Description of the parameters

procedure_name: The name of the stored procedure that you want to change.

Crosslink: Other parameters for the ALTER PROCEDURE statement are the same as for the CREATE PROCEDURE statement, see "Create stored procedure parameters" above.

For example, modify the stored procedure PROC_SEINFO to query employee information older than 35. The SQL statement is as follows:

SELECT * FROM tb_Employee where 员工年龄>35 

The deletion of the stored procedure

Using Microsoft SQL Server Mangement to remove the stored procedure, the steps are as follows:

(1) In Object Explorer at SQL Server Management Studio, select the database in which you want to delete the stored procedure (e.g., db_student), and then select Programmability under that database.

(2) Open the Stored Procedures folder, right-click the stored procedures you want to delete (e.g., PROC_SEINFO) and select the Delete command in the pop-up shortcut menu.

(3) Click the OK button to delete the selected stored procedure.

Note: When you delete a data table, the associated stored procedure is not deleted, but its stored procedure cannot be executed.

Use T-SQL to remove stored procedures:

The DROP PROCEDURE statement is used to remove one or more stored procedures or procedure groups from the current database.


DROP PROCEDURE { procedure } [ ,...n ]

Description of the parameters:

  • Procedure: The name of the stored procedure or stored procedure group that you want to delete. T he procedure name must comply with the identifier rules. Y ou can choose whether to specify the procedure owner name, but you cannot specify the server name and database name.
  • n: is a placeholder that indicates that multiple procedures can be specified.

For example, PROC_SEINFO the SQL statement for the stored procedure is as follows.

For example, delete multiple stored procedures proc10, proc20, and proc30.
DROP PROCEDURE proc10, proc20, proc30
For example, delete the stored procedure group procs, which contain stored procedures proc1, proc2, proc3.

Note: SQL statement DROP cannot delete a single stored procedure in a stored procedure group.

Apply stored procedures to verify the user's login identity:

Currently, there are several ways to verify a user's login identity, and user authentication by calling stored procedures is one of the best solutions available. B ecause stored procedures are compiled on the server at the time they are created, they are executed much faster than a single SQL statement.

This example is to verify that the user name and password of the user who logged on are correct by calling the stored procedure. R un this instance, enter the appropriate username and password in the User Name and Password text boxes, and click the Sign in button.

Program development steps:

(1) Create a new website and name it "index" and the default home page name is Default .aspx.

(2) The default .aspx the controls involved in the page are shown in Table 1.

Detailed instances fully parse SQL stored procedures

(3) The main program code is as follows.
Open SQL Server Management Studio and connect to the database in SQL Server2005. C lick the button in the toolbar to create a new query editor. I n the query editor, create a stored procedure to verify the identity of the logged-in PROC_EXISTS, the specific SQL statement is as follows:

@UserName NVARCHAR(20), 
@PassWord NVARCHAR(20), 
@ReturnValue int OUTPUT 
IF EXISTS(select * from tb_member where userName=@UserName AND passWord=@PassWord) 
       set @ReturnValue= 100 
       set @ReturnValue= -100 

Under the Click event of the Login button, a stored procedure is performed to verify the identity of the logged-in user, and if the user name and password entered are correct, a pop-up dialog box prompts the user to log on successfully, as follows:

protected void btnLogin_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) 
        myConn = new SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ConnectionString"].ToString()); 
        myCmd = new SqlCommand("PROC_EXISTS", myConn);   //调用存储过程,判断用户是否存在
        myCmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; 
        SqlParameter userName=new SqlParameter("@UserName", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 20); 
        SqlParameter passWord=new SqlParameter("@PassWord", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 20); 
        passWord.Value = this.txtPassword.Text.Trim(); 
        SqlParameter ReturnValue = new SqlParameter("@ReturnValue",SqlDbType.Int ,4); 
        ReturnValue.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output; 
            if (int.Parse(ReturnValue.Value.ToString()) == 100) 
        catch(Exception ex) 