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ASP.NET web Forms tutorial

May 12, 2021 ASP.NET

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ASP.NET Web Forms - Tutorials

ASP.NET is a development framework for creating web pages and websites using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and server scripts.

ASP.NET supports three different development models:
Web Pages (Web Pages), MVC (Model View Controller Model-View-Controller), Web Forms:

This tutorial describes Web Forms.

Web Pages Mvc Web Forms

Where to start?

Most developers learn a new technique that starts by looking at running instances.

If you want to see an instance of a Web Forms run, check out the web Forms ASP.NET below.

What is Web Forms?

Web Forms is one of ASP.NET programming patterns for creating web sites and Web applications.

The other two programming modes are Web Pages and MVC (Model View Controller Model-View-Controller).

Web Forms is the oldest ASP.NET programming mode and is an event-driven Web page that integrates HTML, server controls, and server code.

Web Forms is compiled and executed on the server, which generates HTML that appears as a Web page.

Web Forms has hundreds of web controls and web components used to create user-driven Web sites with data access.

Visual Studio Express 2012/2010

Visual Studio Express is a free version of Microsoft Visual Studio.

Visual Studio Express is a development tool tailored to Web Forms (and MVC).

Visual Studio Express contains:

  • MVC and Web Forms
  • Drag and drop web controls and web components
  • Web server language (Razor uses VB or C#)
  • Web Server (IIS Express)
  • Database Server (SQL Server Compact)
  • Complete web development framework (ASP.NET)

If you already have Visual Studio Express installed, you'll learn more from this tutorial.

If you want to install Visual Studio Express, click one of the following links:

Visual Web Developer 2012 (Windows 7 or Windows 8)

Visual Web Developer 2010 (Windows Vista or XP)

ASP.NET reference manual

At the end of this tutorial, you'll see a complete ASP.NET reference manual that describes objects, components, properties, and methods.

ASP.NET reference manual