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Apache Pig mathematical function

May 26, 2021 Apache Pig

We have the following Math functions in Apache Pig:

S.N. Functions and descriptions
1 ABS(expression)

Gets the absolute value of the expression.

2 ACOS(expression)

Gets the antiseed value of the expression.

3 ASIN(expression)

Gets the antisine value of the expression.

4 ATAN(expression)

This function is used to get the in reverse cut value of the expression.

5 CBRT(expression)

This function is used to get the cubic root of the expression.

6 CEIL(expression)

This function is used to get the value (nearly 1 rounding) of the expression rounded up to the nearest integer.

7 COS(expression)

This function is used to get the triangular cosine value of the expression.

8 COSH(expression)

This function is used to get the double cosine value of the expression.

9 EXP(expression)

This function is used to obtain the euraser e multiplied by the power of x, which is the exponent.

10 FLOOR(expression)

To get the value (round rounding) of the expression that rounds down to the closest integer.

11 LOG(expression)

Gets the natural number of pairs of expressions (based on e).

12 LOG10(expression)

Get a 10-based pair of expressions.

13 RANDOM( )

Gets a pseudo-random number (double type) greater than or equal to 0.0 and less than 1.0.

14 ROUND(expression)

To round the value of an expression to an integer (if the result type is float) or round to a long form (if the result type is double).

15 SIN(expression)

Gets the sine value of the expression.

16 SINH(expression)

Gets the double sine value of the expression.

17 SQRT(expression)

Gets the squared root of the expression.

18 TAN(expression)

Gets the angle of the triangle positive cut.

19 TANH(expression)

Gets the double positive cut of the expression.