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How does terraform cloud perform a terraform run?

Asked by Lyra Gaines on Dec 13, 2021 Mini Program Cloud Development Study Guide

When Terraform Cloud performs a Terraform run, it uses the remote backend, overriding any existing backend in the configuration. Instead of using existing user credentials, Terraform Cloud generates a unique per-run API token and provides it to the Terraform worker in the CLI config file.
Terraform Cloud is designed as an execution platform for Terraform, and can perform Terraform runs on its own disposable virtual machines. This provides a consistent and reliable run environment, and enables advanced features like Sentinel policy enforcement, cost estimation, notifications, version control integration, and more.
Just so, The CLI-driven run workflow, which uses Terraform's standard CLI tools to execute runs in Terraform Cloud.
Do not commit a file named terraform.tfvars to version control, since Terraform Cloud will overwrite it. (Note that you shouldn't check in terraform.tfvars even when running Terraform solely on the command line.) Terraform Cloud performs Terraform runs on disposable Linux worker VMs using a POSIX-compatible shell.
1. Configure your environment 2. Open Cloud Shell 3. Install latest version of Terraform in Azure Cloud Shell 4. Verify the default Azure subscription 5. Authenticate Terraform to Azure Terraform enables the definition, preview, and deployment of cloud infrastructure. Using Terraform, you create configuration files using HCL syntax.