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What is the difference between java se and java ee?

Asked by Lilian Brennan on Dec 06, 2021 Java

Java EE is a wrapper around Java SE providing certain additional functionalities and features along with that of Java SE. Java SE provide basic functionalities such as defining types and objects. Java EE provides APIs for running large scale applications. EE is built upon Java SE. It provides functionalities like web applications, servlets, etc.
Java Platform, Standard Edition (Java SE) is a computing platform for development and deployment of portable code for desktop and server environments. Java SE was formerly known as Java 2 Platform, Standard Edition (J2SE).
Indeed, The main difference between Java and J2EE is that while, Java is a programming language, J2EE is a computing platform that is based on the Java programming language. A computing platform allows the developed software to run. It contains computer architecture, operating system and Runtime libraries.
Core Java usually refers to Java SE which consists of the Java Language, the JVM and JDK (which itself contains the compiler some tools and a pretty large library). Core Java is used for general purpose programming and almost anything written in Java is based on the Core Java. Enterprise Java refers to Java applications written...
In addition,
J2EE refers to the first version of Java Enterprise Edition. Java (i.e. Java SE) does not mandate you to use specific patterns or architectures in implementing applications. It is the plain version of Java and you can implement your application in any preferred way. Java EE however describes an overall architecture that your business application should adhere to.