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Which is the latest version of globalize for activerecord?

Asked by Maya Esparza on Nov 28, 2021 FAQ

To use the version of globalize for ActiveRecord 3.1 or 3.2, specify: (If you are using ActiveRecord 3.0, use version 3.0: gem 'globalize', '3.0.4' .) The 3-1-stable branch of this repository corresponds to the latest ActiveRecord 3 version of globalize.
If you need a more actively maintained model translation gem, we recommend checking out Mobility, a natural successor of Globalize created by Chris Salzberg (one of Globalize maintainers) and inspired by the ideas discussed around Globalize. For a more up-to-date discussion of the current situation, see issue #753.
Thereof, By default, globalize will only use fallbacks when your translation model does not exist or the translation value for the item you've requested is nil . However it is possible to also use fallbacks for blank translations by adding :fallbacks_for_empty_translations => true to the translates method.
Just so,
Globalize builds on the I18n API in Ruby on Rails to add model translations to ActiveRecord models. In other words, a way to translate actual user-generated content, for example; a single blog post with multiple translations. Globalize is not very actively maintained.
In respect to this,
Kaminari can be used with just an instance of the class ActiveRecord::Relation without the use of any special class, module or anything for the paginated values. It also supports method chaining and chaining can be done before or after the pagination scope.