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Which is the best tutorial for python beautifulsoup?

Asked by Kaylie Clay on Nov 30, 2021 FAQ

Python BeautifulSoup tutorial is an introductory tutorial to BeautifulSoup Python library. The examples find tags, traverse document tree, modify document, and scrape web pages.
General considerations Beautiful Soup. Beautiful Soup is a Python library for pulling data out of HTML and XML files. ... Libraries that you need. URL lib, BeautifulSoup and Panda. Using LXML. At the moment you call the page, you can use either way three different parsers. The basic reasoning why would you prefer one parser instead of others.
Just so, The code sample above imports BeautifulSoup, then it reads the XML file like a regular file. After that, it passes the content into the imported BeautifulSoup library as well as the parser of choice. You’ll notice that the code doesn’t import lxml.
BeautifulSoup is a Python library. It is used for parsing XML and HTML. It works well in coordination with standard python libraries like urllib.
The package name is beautifulsoup4, and the same package works on Python 2 and Python 3. Make sure you use the right version of pip or easy_install for your Python version (these may be named pip3 and easy_install3 respectively if you’re using Python 3). (The BeautifulSoup package is probably not what you want.