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Which is the best ide for using uikit?

Asked by Melvin Ventura on Dec 13, 2021 FAQ

Using UIkit works best if you have a solid code editor, for example Sublime Text or Atom. To be even more efficient, we recommend that you install one of the autocomplete plugins for your favorite IDE or code editor. This saves a lot of time, as you won't have to look up and type all UIkit classes and markup.
Also Know,
UIKit is the iOS framework that implements the standard UI components for iOS applications. Building an app with UIKit is trivially easy. In all cases you'll use Xcode, Apple's IDE for developing for iOS and macOS. At the top of a each source file in your iOS application that uses the UIKit framework.
Subsequently, UIkit will work on pretty much any modern browser. Using UIkit works best if you have a solid code editor, for example Sublime Text or Atom. To be even more efficient, we recommend that you install one of the autocomplete plugins for your favorite IDE or code editor.
One may also ask,
You can find the whole project and all source files on GitHub. In the ZIP file you will find all CSS, JavaScript and font files ready to use for your project. The core framework of UIkit has almost no styling in order to keep it slim. Therefore we provide two additional distributions with a gradient and an almost flat style.
Bootstrap and UIkIt are both open source tools. Bootstrap with 134K GitHub stars and 66K forks on GitHub appears to be more popular than UIkIt with 14.7K GitHub stars and 2.11K GitHub forks.