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What is google sheets search analytics for sheets?

Asked by Harlem Khan on Dec 04, 2021 FAQ

What is Search Analytics for sheets? Simply put, Search Analytics for Sheets is a (completely free) Google Sheets add-on that allows you to fetch data from GSC (via its API), grouped and filtered to your liking, and create automated monthly backups. If your interest is piqued, installing the add-on is fairly simple.
Using built-in functionalities of Google Sheets, you can combine analytics data from various sources, transform it, and analyze it with ease. You can even connect it to data visualization tools like Google Data Studio to share your data with others.
Furthermore, The first tab within the sidebar allows you to request data from Webmaster Tools / Search Console directly into one of the sheets of your current spreadsheet. Here’s some info on the available settings: This is a list of the verified properties/websites you can get data for which is retrieved when the sidebar loads.
Simply put, Search Analytics for Sheets is a (completely free) Google Sheets add-on that allows you to fetch data from GSC (via its API), grouped and filtered to your liking, and create automated monthly backups. If your interest is piqued, installing the add-on is fairly simple.
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