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What does tertiary bitmap mean in iso 8583?

Asked by Alina Butler on Nov 30, 2021 FAQ

Similarly, a tertiary bitmap can be used to indicate the presence of fields 129 to 192, although these data elements are rarely used. Given a bitmap value of 22 10 00 11 02 C0 48 04 , 0x22 = 0010 0010 (counting from the left, the third and seventh bits are 1, indicating that fields 3 and 7 are present)
Bitmaps. In ISO 8583, a bitmap is a field or subfield within a message, which indicates whether other data elements or data element subfields are present elsewhere in the message. A field is considered to be present only when the corresponding bit in the bitmap is set. For example, a hex with value 0x82 (decimal 130) is binary 1000 0010,...
Also, The main idea is the same for all versions. The differences are on fields levels and meanings. An ISO 8583 message is made of the following parts: One or more bitmaps, indicating which data elements are present. Data elements, the fields of the message. Message Type Identifier is a key element which classifies the function of the message.
In fact,
Request for funds, e.g. from an ATM. Next area in the ISO8583 message is bitmaps area. A bitmap is a field indicates which data elements may be present or not in the message. A message will contain at least one bitmap, called the Primary Bitmap which indicates which of Data Elements 1 to 64 are present.
One may also ask,
ISO-8583 specifies different kind of fields that basically fall in following categories: Each Data Element has a standard format. This consists of the allowed content of the field (numeric, binary, etc) as well as the allowed length. This is indicated by the convention of allowed content followed by length as described in the following sections.