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What's the difference between kotlin and flutter for android?

Asked by Lyric Rodriguez on Dec 06, 2021 Android

Flutter is Google’s user interface (UI) tooling kit for making iOS and Android applications from a single codebase. Kotlin, on the other hand, is the official programming language for Android development. Both Kotlin and Flutter have their unique strengths and weaknesses.
In respect to this,
Kotlin, the project started in 2010 and released in the year 2016. Kotlin is less popular than Flutter, but now Kotlin popularity is also increasing so fast. It is statically typed programming language designed to interoperate with Java and for JVM (Java Virtual Machine).
Also Know, Flutter is a framework, while Kotlin is a programing language. A framework is used for particular problems. In Flutter, we can have several inbuilt functions to complete an application, and programming languages do not have any limit for app development.
In this manner,
Supported Platforms: Kotlin is an Android-compatible language and fully supported for Android development. Kotlin-based apps can run efficiently across all versions of Android and iOS 8+ versions. Language Stack: Resembling Java, Kotlin aims at JVM (Java Virtual Machine), JavaScript, and Native.
Flutter vs Kotlin: Table of Comparison Flutter Kotlin Language Dart Kotlin Performance Great due to Hot Reload feature Great due to customizability of code Popularity 114K stars on GitHub 35.3K stars on GitHub Learning Curve Comprehensive documentation Limited resources to learn 1 more rows ...